Remove style shortcuts in Libre Writer

While taking some notes during a Linux course using Libre Writer, I was attempting to make a list of common directories found in Linux distros. As I was making a list of things like /bin, /home, etc. I started to type a directory of /srv/www (for web server files) but as soon as I typed the second forward slash, none of the slashes showed and instead “srv” was italicized.

There are shortcuts you may use as you type to style the text as you go (instead of having to choose from a menu) and one of the shortcuts is to use a forward slash directly in front and back of a word that you wish to italicize. (You may create bold text by using an asterisk (*) before and after a word, underscores (_) to underline a word, etc.) Those are useful options to have but they were getting in the way of what I actually wanted to type.

What I’m referring to as style shortcuts is named as AutoCorrect tools in LibreOffice Writer. There are lots of options in this tool menu, but here’s a quick reference to turn off some of the features if you actually want to render symbols in your text rather than using them to quickly style your text:

  • Click on the Tools menu item
  • Choose AutoCorrect from the drop down menu, then AutoCorrect options from the submenu that appears.
  • In the new window, click on the Options tab and remove the checkmark beside “Automatic *bold*,/italic/,-strikeout- and _underline_”
  • Click Ok to save your changes.

There are LOTS of options in the AutoCorrect menu, so if you notice anything quirky with your typing you may want to check the selections here to see if a default “correction” option may be causing you grief.

Related or Cited Resources:

  • My search on “libreoffice removing slash and italicizing” resulted in this link where I found my solution:

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